Our guest in The Sustainable Hour no 314 on 20 May 2020 is one of the founders of permaculture, David Holmgren. David reveals his motivation for doing what he does and his belief that permaculture holds many answers to the wicked problems we face in our world today. He speaks with great authority on many topics, not the least of which is his decision to break with business as usual in taking a huge risk in crowdfunding his latest book ‘RetroSuburbia’ and getting it published in Australia.

David also explains why he has offered it on a ‘pay as u like’ basis and has been overwhelmed by the positive response. His not-for-profit business has never been as busy as it is right now. It is seen by many an an essential roadmap to a safer, more just and healthy future. Those who look at permaculture as a simply a way of ‘growing stuff’ will be re-educated in The Sustainable Hour today.

Listen to the full podcast here:



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