Book Club

RetroSuburbia book clubs have been springing up around the country as groups of friends, neighbours and colleagues get together to talk about the ideas in the book. Some groups also undertake practical activities as part of these meetings. We really want to support these powerful small gatherings and are doing so in these ways:


  • We have compiled sets of discussion points, questions and activities for each chapter of the book. These can be used by anyone, but are of particular interest to book clubs and other gatherings where people get together to undertake retrosuburban activities in each other’s houses and gardens. You can download them here.


  • We are keeping a register of book clubs to facilitate the sharing of ideas and to provide a platform for different book clubs to interact and share resources via a Slack group. We’d love to hear what you are doing! We will be adding some examples of how different book clubs are run to this page. You can choose to list your group anonymously or with contact details – or not have it appear on this page at all. You can register your group here.


  • We also have other resources, such activities and checklists, which may be useful to book club members. These are available to people who have done our ‘Trainers and facilitators workshop’, but some will also be available to registered book clubs via the Slack group. (And if you think starting and facilitating small discussion or activity groups is something you want to do more of, consider doing a workshop.)

You can purchase copies of RetroSuburbia (and other books) for your club at wholesale rates through Melliodora Publishing.

Most clubs have formed organically through friendship or neighbourhood groups, others have found members through the RetroSuburbia FaceBook Community group. If you are looking for members we can also make your contact details available below.

Book Clubs


RetroSuburbia Lismore.
Meets once a month at the Lismore Library.
Contact Jo Nemeth for more details.

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